How to be The Best Bridesmaid Ever

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How to be The Best Bridesmaid Ever?

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Hi everyone, it's officially wedding season, and I'd like to introduce you to some of the hottest bridesmaid dresses in 2022 like one-shoulder burnt orange satin bridesmaid dresses, plus size burgundy satin bridesmaid dresses, long black satin bridesmaid dresses, long rose gold satin bridesmaid dresses.

And for some of us that means we are supporting our friends and our family members by being a bridesmaid, but what does it take to pull off this important wedding role? We're about to chat and not just that as we go over what it takes to be the ultimate bridesmaid from how to plan the bridal shower to etiquette do’s and don'ts. Here are some tips for you to be a bridesmaid.


Firstly we are about to talk about all the tech hacks that will make you a great bridesmaid. So first we're going to talk about bridesmaid do’s and don'ts and just some etiquette rules and you know one of the most important things to remember is that this is the bride's day, not yours so leave the drama at the door and make sure that if you accept the responsibility that you're willing and able to help the bride and whatever capacity she needs you. 




Secondly, one really important thing is to stay on schedule, everybody's should have a schedule. Maybe a date that you need to order your bridesmaids' dress by maybe it's booking a hotel room, but by you just staying on track and meeting those deadlines. It's going to be one last thing. The bride has to worry about and she can just take off her checklist.

Another great thing I think we can all relate to it's the bridesmaids’ dresses. If you can just be as flexible as you can that l promise it will save so much stress and drama. We would hope that the bride will, of course, ask for your input or maybe she'll even let you pick your dress, but if you're flexible all things will go smoother, and just one last tip on the wedding day. Just be that helping hand there whether she has a flyaway hair or she needs a makeup touch-up you being there by her side. It's gonna make her feel so much more confident.




Thirdly, l think it's really important that the bride remember that her bridesmaids are not her as a free team of wedding planners and that the bridesmaids are there as members of this inner circle and to be her friend like go with her dress shopping for her dress. And go with her to bridal shows when the groom just doesn't want to go to another bridal expo and then belike there is a shoulder to cry on which she needs a shoulder to cry on if her mom's driving her crazy and just be the friend that is the best friend that you are because you are invited into that like real cord group there.

Last but not least, ask for etiquette you just always want to tech educate you to want to make sure that you are on the same page with the bride where social media is concerned. Don't post you know a picture of her dress before the ceremony that could get into the hashtag and then the groom will see it. You just want to make sure that you know whether she wants to have an offline wedding which means like everyone keeps their phone in the bag during the ceremony or whether she is okay with everything being on social media some bride just doesn't want to see it so make sure that you ask before you do any sort of Instagram or Facebook uploading. 


l love the bridal shower because it's like a bar mitzvah, unlike a wedding where you have like a theme that's more of like a concept like you can go all out with a spinal shower theme and you could do a travel theme and you could do a lingerie theme you could do a baking theme and you could do a library theme. And you can go crazy with the decor and the types of centerpieces you have in the favors and then the games and activities that you play.

So l think it's really important that the bridesmaids think about what the bride and the groom would like. Because in the sense of the groom he may not be there. It might not be a Jack and Jill party, but the gifts are things that he's going to be using as well. I also think it's really important that you invite the mom into the discussion because she's the mom and she's been thinking about this a lot longer than the bride has. 




What’s more, she might actually pay the bill. You know a lot of moms might say I'll pay for the food and drink. That's the most expensive thing. The bridesmaids can trip in for some of the fun activities and things like that and the only other thing would say is to talk to the groom and make sure that he shows up at some point, especially at the end. Because one of the reasons is he is relative to there, his mom and grandma, and sisters. So you can see them especially if they don't live close by. 

And two he can thank everyone for the shower and the gifts. And three he can help carry those big boxes to the car, so l think that that's really something important that you want to give in and the only other tip is you have to open the gifts at the shower because that's like tradition and I know a lot of brides are like l don't want to look weird.

That's what you do you showered with gifts. That's the whole point. And I like to add that we've seen some really popular bridal shower themes like country-western always does really well and 90s which is obviously very popular right now. You can have a lot of fun with it and Alice in Wonderland is the classic and also the tea party thing. 


Another thing to keep in mind is the food. The last thing you want to do is have messy food that you have to go sit down at a table with utensils. You really want those foods that are two bites. You can just mix and mingle with people and feel comfortable getting up and moving around while still having yummy treats. 




And then for bachelorette planning, which is like the most important part of obviously after the shower. We love one called road trippers, which kind of makes the trip more about the journey rather than the destination, so it helps you find all these cool places along the way if you're like a road trip to somewhere. It'll tell you where you should stop along the way, so makes everything fun and brings back the fun part of wedding planning.


So as for another tip, I mean you got all these women together, so obviously DIYs is a big activity that you can do in preparation for the wedding, so I mean the big thing is, to be honest with the bride about your strengths. You don't want to be doing crafts. If you're like the least artsy person ever, it's a really big help for the bride and preparation to just take that out for shoulders and it's a great bonding experience of the other bride's needs, especially if you don’t know each other as well. If you're the kind of person who brings people from different groups.

We say DIY is such a fun activity for your bridesmaids to bond together before the big day. One great idea is to do accessories. Think about hair clips shoe clips bedazzled belts whatever it is and if it's something that bridesmaids are gonna be wearing themselves. You know they're gonna put their heart into it so that is a great activity to do.




Another one is invitation assembly, so we all know that if you're going to DIY those invitations for all guests. It's going to take a long time so just set up a little assembly line break out the wine and just have a great time.

And I think the most important mistake that people need to avoid is they don't realize how time-consuming a lot of DIY projects are and unless it's a perishable like wedding favor like you're baking, grandma's cookies and you're going to box them. I think it's really important that you give yourself weeks. If not months to make all these projects because as the wedding gets closer you're going to have so many last-minute things and so many tasks that you need to do and take care of that. If you can start DIYing a few months in advance, especially practicing so that you know how to do it because when you see in magazines and on blogs these like great styled shoes that they are like making great thing. So you just want to make sure that you have the number of materials and that you have enough time to put it all together.


And I think the idea for like the signature drinks is so much fun. You could do like a bar crawl just for your signature drink tasting, but if you're going to have made it as a reward if you're doing crafting. Because you don't want people to like a drink in DIY because of that toward the end of like the cycle. It's gonna be like this sort of looks straight and it's not. So you want to make sure because you don't want it on your

wedding day. You're sending your pictures to style me pretty and then you get an email from your besties being like these are a little off. So it is really important that you guys practice and that you have enough supplies and that you buy extra because there will be mistakes.


Well, that's the end of this article. I hope you have found some practical advice on how to be a bridesmaid, and I hope you like our bridesmaid dresses, click the link to check one-shoulder burnt orange satin bridesmaid dresses, plus size burgundy satin bridesmaid dresses, long black satin bridesmaid dresses, long rose gold satin bridesmaid dresses. Love you all, see you next time!




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